Hannah Poulton – Womens Health Physiotherapist with over 22 years experience, who specialises in c-section scars, was interviewed for this article.
Over the past four decades, caesarean sections have become more common in all the Nordic countries. According to preliminary data, 19.6% of all births in 2022 were caesarean sections (THL 2023). Scar tissue can be responsible for physical and emotional restrictions and changes.
Within her professional career, Hannah has achieved good outcomes using manual techniques, for the treatment of scars. The desire to do more for her clients and to achieve a faster result in scar tissue changes, led Hannah to look for new solutions in treatment modalities. This is when she was introduced to LymphaTouch for the first time in October 2020 (see photo below). From the first use, Hannah could see the impact LymphaTouch had on the function and feeling of scar tissue and best of all, the client could feel it too. Within the last three years, Hannah has seen how the negative pressure, treatment head sizes and versatile use of the device, allows for different scar treatments. The LymphaTouch device lifts the scar tissue, increasing lymphatic circulation in the area and opening fascial structures. This allows the scar tissue to heal and recover.
“There is no other device on the market that affects scar tissue in the same way as LymphaTouch”
From any professional’s point of view, LymphaTouch also allows for documentation and reproducibility of the treatment, as the settings used during the treatment (negative pressure and vibration) can be easily recorded. The device can also be used for objective measurement, for example, if a client can be treated with a 90 mmHg negative pressure during the first session and 120-150 mmHg during the next session, this usually indicates the effectiveness of the treatment on the scar tissue and clients tolerance. According to Hannah, the feedback from the client is unanimous; the treatment feels comfortable on the skin, the scar tissue feels softer after the first treatment and the scar does not feel as tight as before the treatment. In addition, functional changes can be seen after treatment, such as increased range of motion or the ability to take deeper breaths coupled with less pain.
“LymphaTouch can be used for any scar”
LymphaTouch can be used for any scar. Different techniques and settings can be used to treat different scars for the best results. Treatment should always be planned with the client’s needs and goals in mind, and in conjunction with other scar treatment methods. The use of LymphaTouch for scar treatment follows the same contraindications as for manual scar treatment: no inflammation, no stitches, hooks or staples, the scar is fully healed, no open areas and the client consents to the treatment. The treatment is usually started away from the scar (for example starting on the abdomen for a c-section incision), to allow the client to get used to the sensation of negative pressure. Once the client is used to the device, you can then start to work over the scar and around the scar. The versatile nature of the LymphaTouch device, means you can select the right treatment head, pressure and time for any scar.
“LymphaTouch is the best device for scars”
LymphaTouch enables fast, long-lasting, and effective results in the treatment of scars. The way in which the negative pressure pulse of the LymphaTouch device raises and lowers the scar tissue, enhancing lymphatic circulation in the scar area, thus helping and healing the scar tissue. In addition, the principle of the device is easy to explain and demonstrate to the client. LymphaTouch is the best device for scars.
Hannah Poulton is an English Womens Health Physiotherapist, specializing in scar treatment. Hannah owns HLP Therapy Limited, a private clinic located in the center of the UK. She also owns “The Positive-C-Section”, a company through which she runs a range of training courses on scar management. Hannah is also a co-founding member of the Everything Natal, a company who teach health and fitness professionals how to properly assess the postnatal population. Hannah started her physiotherapy career in the early 2000’s and for the last 10 years has specialized in women’s health and scar management, particularly for c-section scars. Hannah uses her professional knowledge, coupled with a personal experience of c-section birth to inform and empower individuals on their recovery journey.