During exercise, the lymphatic system plays a fundamental role in regulating tissue volume and pressure by moving fluids and plasma back from the interstitial space to the circulatory system (cardiovascular system) (Lane, Worsley, Mckenzie, 2005).
Since about 70 percent of body fluids are in the lymphatic system, it’s easy to see why its function is crucial to restoring fluid balance. I found LymphaTouch to be absolutely useful in facilitating and speeding up, as well as keeping athletes ready to perform, whether it’s on the field or in the gym.
The mechanical decompression (also called negative pressure) produced by the device is able to stimulate lymph uptake and accelerate the removal of accumulated fluids. As a method of daily muscle maintenance and maintenance, LymphaTouch is one of the most effective tools in the hands of sports performance professionals, as when used regularly, it can promote regeneration and avoid overload and chronic damage.
In my own use and in the practical application of LymphaTouch, I mainly use stationary technology and sliding technique at different pressure values.
The stationary technique involves holding the die over specific muscles and areas for 3-5 pulses, while the sliding technique involves sliding the die over the desired muscles and areas.
My protocols with athletes are as follows:
1) Technology: Stationary
Pressure value: 260 – 290 mmHg.
Use: after a period of strength training in the gym, which includes both concentric/eccentric work and extensive/fast-paced running exercises.
2) Technique: Slide
Pressure value: 290 – 330 mmHg.
Use: after intense speed and strength exercises with plenty of eccentric contractions, decelerations and reversal exercises. The goal is to facilitate lymphatic drainage and redirect higher fluid levels caused by microcracks caused by eccentric contractions.
LymphaTouch can also help the therapist support myofascial treatments, and in this case, the other two techniques available, lifting and rotation and the combination technique, can significantly affect tissue quality and improve range of motion and overall muscle health.
The article was written by Antonio Robustelli, High Performance Consultant